I started writing this blog as a way to vent, so welcome to my public journal.
I am a highly sensitive person, introvert and also with mid social anxiety. With this page I would like to create awareness, help people relate to our daily struggles and offer some tricks that have served me in my personal life.

Compatibility between INFJ and ENTP in love
I have received several questions about the compatibility between INFJ and ENTP people. Are these two MBTI personalities compatible? We will see what are the

Famous successful introverts list
One of the things I learned when I volunteered for an NGO for ethnic minorities was the importance of having role models. Being able to

How to make friends as a shy introvert
Do you find it hard to make friends? or maybe you have same called friends but is difficult to make a deeper connection. In this

Introversion and feeling lonely
Introverts need to be alone, not being lonely. Loneliness is very beautiful… when you have someone to tell it to. Gustavo Adolfo Becquer There is

What is the rarest MBTI personality? (No longer INFJ)
For a few years I have been writing about introversion, social anxiety and the different introverted personalities. It is a subject that I am passionate

Are two INFJs compatible?
Is your partner an INFJ just like you? Will it be the recipe for disaster or your best love decision? In this post we will
Highly sensitive people

Research shows HSPs react worse to critics
No one likes to hear critics or negative comments about our actions. We feel judged and scrutinized and it’s easy to fall into the “you’re

Differences between being an introvert and a HSP
This blog is dedicated to introverts, highly sensitive people and people with social anxiety, but is it the same thing? In case you don’t know,

Signs that you are a Highly Sensitive Person
Do you quickly notice how a person feels? Have you been told that you are very empathetic? you may be a highly sensitive person. One

Open offices: a hell for introverts and HSPs?
It was the third that Tom got up to go to the bathroom, what the hell was this man drinking? In front of me, my

Disadvantages of being a Highly Sensitive Person
Growing up being in an unorganized room was enough to put me in a mood. The sound of other people chewing, the crunch of a

Best jobs and careers for Highly Sensitive People
Do you feel that your work steals all of your energy? when you get home all you want is peace and quiet. Silence. You need
Social Anxiety

How to stop being shy step by step
Do you get nervous every time you have to speak in public? Do you reject plans for fear of not knowing what to say? Do

How to find a job with social anxiety
You realize that you have reached adulthood when not having a job is unacceptable. Even if you live with your parents, you’re supposed to contribute

How to maintain eye contact while talking for shy people
Do you find it difficult to make eye contact when someone is talking to you? Or perhaps you find it difficult to focus on what

How to end a conversation without being rude
If you find yourself not knowing how to end a conversation, welcome to the club. The truth is that whether you are an introvert or

Can extroverts have social anxiety?
The first image that probably comes to mind when we hear the word extrovert is someone talking their heads off, being the center of attention

How to study a degree with social anxiety.
Studying should not be a handicap for a person with social anxiety, until you realize that part of your grade will be measured by oral
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