Open offices: a hell for introverts and HSPs?

It was the third that Tom got up to go to the bathroom, what the hell was this man drinking? In front of me, my other coworker, who seemed to be typing at a thousand miles per hour... or was I typing too slowly? In the background, but still too close, my boss was talking with the community manager about the trip they would take on the next vacation while laughing out loud. And of course, the fitness girl in the office sipping every last drop of her fruit smoothie. I got…


How to end a conversation without being rude

If you find yourself not knowing how to end a conversation, welcome to the club. The truth is that whether you are an introvert or not, having a conversation is one of the most complex human activities: we are constantly receiving and sending stimuli, trying to understand the message, tone of voice, emotions and body language. According to a research by Harvard University, the most difficult part of a conversation is ending it. In this post I will give you some tips and tricks you can use to escape from uncomfortable trivial…


The undervalued power of being alone

What if I told you that knowing how to be alone is a superpower? Perhaps you would find it funny, especially if you are an introverted person like me. Maybe is because being introverted is quite undervalued in the society in which we live, to the point where those of us who do enjoy being alone come to feel "ashamed" of this. However, making time to spend by yourself every day is something we should all start doing. All of humanity's problems come from man's inability to sit quietly in a room…


Being an au pair when you are shy and introvert. Tips and experience.

Being an au pair can be one of the best decisions of your life to learn a language, take off from the nest and discover new places. You have hardly any expenses, you receive a weekly pocket money and you have a lot of free time to explore the city and socialize. I have been an au pair 4 times in different cities in England, so I have extensive experience that I would like to share with those of you who are considering embarking on this adventure but who are hesitant because…


Why don’t introverts emerge as leaders?

It's no surprise that introverts can make great leaders. There are quite a few references about great introverted leaders from politicians like Barack Obama, film directors, human rights activists or even influencers (as we collect in our list of famous introverts). But then why don't we see job offers where introverted executives are in demand? This may be because the term introversion is tainted by words like shy, anxious, or stressed about change. While you can be introverted and shy, there are also extroverts and shy. Introversion and extroversion are personality traits…


How to “say no” and avoid being taken advantage of.

Every time I say no to someone I suffer. As if by rejecting a plan or favor I am disappointing them. This is partly because I want people to like me, and I feel like saying no is taking points away from our relationship. Although shyness and introversion are different, many shy and introverted people also feel pressure to say "no," especially in socially difficult situations. While it is true that you do not have to be an introvert for this to happen to you, as introverts we are normally more reserved,…


Should you hide your introversion in a job interview?

The term introversion does not seem to be welcomed in the professional world. It seems that being an extrovert is a synonym of success and that if you are an introvert you are a geek and you will not know how to hold conversations with co-workers and clients. Moreover, the way in which candidates are interviewed is not designed for introverts. As Barry Deutsch mentions, introverts are generally bad at making a good first impression. We need to "warm up" and deepen the conversation to really feel comfortable. It is therefore difficult…


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