types of hsps
types of hsps

What type of Highly Sensitive Person are you?

According to the research of Dr. Elaine Aron, and author of the book The Gift of Sensitivity, high sensitivity is a genetic variation that allows the nervous system and brain to process subtleties and details that are overlooked by most. This once-life-saving evolutionary tool has become an overstimulating burden in the modern world, as there is a myriad of stimuli to process at all times. Being highly sensitive means that you are more sensitive when it comes to external and internal stimulation. By now, you have most likely realized that you are…


Why do you feel so empty as introvert

I still remember the first time I felt that feeling of inner emptiness; when you know something is missing but you don't know what is it or how to get it back. In addition to feeling it, I have "seen" it: a dark gray hole in the chest area, which seems to suck in any reason to feel motivated. I was in college, a time full of ups and downs due to the stress of wanting to pass everything with a good grade, work weekends, make friends from scratch, and be away…


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