I have received several questions about the compatibility between INFJ and ENTP people. Are these two MBTI personalities compatible? We will see what are the complications that could occur on this type of relationship and what are the strengths. Don’t forget to leave your experience with this personality combination in the comments !
ENTPs and INFJs have a medium level of emotional distance and flow in a relationship. Upon meeting, the two discover that they are opposed to each other in fundamental aspects, such as their way of seeing and dealing with the world. In addition, both personalities are in conflict when setting priorities and how to react to challenges. Usually, the closer they get, the more friction it arises.
ENTPs like to surround themselves with people, particularly those who are like-minded. They attract people with their charm and charisma, but they prefer to talk about things other than themselves when they meet someone new.
INFJs seek connection with others, particularly someone who shares the same ideas. They are also charismatic and tend to draw people to them, but they have little patience for people who come across as fake.
As long as the ENTP can manage their tendency to want to discuss everything, and the INFJ remembers to take a break to recharge and stop wanting to control the little things, this pair could work.
On INFJs in love
Before we explore further into INFJ-ENTP compatibility I would like to stop and analyze INFJs. They are usually defined as intuitive, sensitive and empathic, they can read a situation without the need for many words.
This personality type has the amazing ability to make others feel heard and understood, and they never take their romantic relationship for granted. INFJs can create very deep, almost spiritual bonds with their partners, which they take very seriously. For them, being so intimate with another person is not just about physical interaction, but they perceive it as a way of sharing mind and body.
Difficult situations for an INFJ:
- Address the conflict with other people.
- Being unable to express yourself, being interrupted
- Chaotic and unpredictable environments
- Disappointment and personal failure.
About ENTPs in love
They are versatile, open-minded and restless. They get bored easily, they are constantly playing with new ideas and exploring possibilities. They could be considered among the most versatile and adaptable of all the types, this allows them to find love and compatibility with different personality types.
ENTPs are also looking for a partner who is flexible and willing to join them in a variety of activities. They want a partner who brings a curious attitude to life and isn’t afraid to explore new experiences, options, and ideas.
Difficult situations for an ENTP:
- Work that lacks creativity.
- Being emotionally vulnerable with others.
- Following strict schedules or routines
- Spending too much time alone
INFJ-ENTP compatibilities ❤️
Being so different, the INFJ-ENTP relationship is going to be full with emotion. ENTPs can encourage the INFJ to be more social, while the INFJ can help the ENTP to focus and take time to reflect. They may need to set limits on how much time they spend socializing and if they live together, rules or limitations on when and how much the ENTP invites friends over.
The ENTP’s tendency to want to be the center of attention and to strike up conversations can make social life easier for the INFJ. It will help you break the ice in potentially awkward situations and move from small talk to deep conversations that is of greater interest to the INFJ.
ENTPs inspire INFJs to be more relaxed on a day-to-day basis, while INFJs motivate ENTPs to come up with concrete plans.
Where things get explosive is the need for reload time. As Extraverts, ENTPs are energized by spending time with people, and INFJs are recharged by alone time. This couple can have some interesting arguments about how to pass the time, especially when one or both of them are under stress.
One of the biggest causes of arguments tends to be incompatibility in terms of lifestyle. They cannot agree on a mutual lifestyle that they both like. They tend to have superficial arguments that come up out of the blue and can escalate quickly.
They can develop problems if the INFJ becomes too controlling and set in their ways, or if the ENTP changes plans at the last minute or doesn’t recognize schedules. The ENTP may appear unmotivated or even lazy to the hard-working INFJ, while the ENTP may view their INFJ partner as uptight, restrictive, and/or boring.
Another root of conflict could arise when making decisions. INFJs like to take their time when making a decision. Just like when communicating about problems, ENTPs want to make decisions in the now. If the decision takes its toll on the INFJ, it could suffer in the long term in the relationship.
Communication between INFJ and ENTP
Communication can be a challenge between two people, and especially in an INFJ and ENTP relationship. To achieve success it is necessary for both parties to assume responsibilities when communicating and to work on their weaknesses:
INFJs need to express themselves more rationally around ENTPs, avoiding overly emotional phrases.
ENTPs should practice being more empathic with INFJs, allowing them to take space to be alone when necessary.
INFJs often have a hard time dealing with conflict. ENTPs must be understanding and patient, giving INFJs the support to feel safe to express themselves. INFJs should try to be more direct and honest.
In order to have a healthy relationship, ENTPs and INFJs must make an effort to listen to their partner’s point of view. Even if you don’t completely agree or understand your partner’s point of view, both of you should provide emotional support. Given their differences, the only way for this combination to work is through compromise. It is important that both of you do not take on an accusatory tone and instead show your sincere needs to your partner.
Let me know in the comments what your experience has been with this combination. Are you the INFJ or the ENTP?⬇️⬇️
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