Famous successful introverts list

famous introverted people

One of the things I learned when I volunteered for an NGO for ethnic minorities was the importance of having role models. Being able to have someone as an example, with whom you identify and who has already achieved it. Sometimes that’s all we need: “if he can, I can too”

As for introversion and shyness, it is not something that is normally presumed, which contributes to a lack of role models for introverted / or shy people. That is why I want to start this section where every week I will add more successful people who have recognized themselves as introverts.

To keep this list up to date, I would love to have your collaboration. Do you know a famous person who is an introvert? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add it.

Introverted entrepreneurs

This list of introverted entrepreneurs will inspire you to realize that you don’t have to be the one who talks the most in the room to be successful in entrepreneurship. All of them have in common their reserved personality and the need to reflect on big decisions.

Amancio Ortega, CEO of Zara

The person behind Zara, Stradivarious, Breskha, Massimo Dutti and Oysho, among others, is a reserved and introverted Spaniard. He opened the first Zara store in 1975 in Girona, it gradually expanded throughout all the Spanish provinces until it became a brand known worldwide.

Amancio makes himself known as a simple man, without the need to talk about his personal life in interviews or to show up at parties or on television shows.

Did you know that his fortune is 74 billion dollars?

Oprah, what?!

oprah introvert

I could place her under severeal titles since she is a host of her own show, a writer, an actress and a businesswoman. In 2010 Forbes declared her the most powerful celebrity in the world.

In an interview with Amy Schumer, she stated that she is an introvert and that more than once at parties she has excused herself by having to go to the bathroom to rest.

really? Oprah?

It seems incredible that such an energetic personality with always the perfect phrase to say is an introvert, but it is the perfect example that if we know how to take advantage of our introversion we can be successful in any field.

Elon Musk

elon musk introvert

I was also surprised when I heard that the creator of Tesla and Space X, among others, is an introvert, but… why wouldn’t he be?

Getting to the pinnacle of success requires a lot of hard work, a lot of perseverance, and a lot of solo brainstorming. Those are some of the qualities of introverted people and that Elon Mask presents.

If you look at several of his interviews, he talks about his projects and ideas, but almost never about his private life. He is very reserved, he likes to think before answering (sometimes creating awkward silences in his interviews) and above all, questioning what is possible.

Warren Buffet, successful thanks to his introversion?

Warren Buffett is one of the most famous investors in the world and has topped the Forbes Rich List for years.

However, perhaps you did not know that the reason for his success in his investments lies in your introversion and shyness. One of the strategies that generated him a lot of money was investing in businesses that would be successful in the long term, for which it is necessary to explore the investment beforehand and be patient.

In various interviews he has stated how he hated speaking in public: “I had the knowledge but I didn’t know how to express it to more people, it terrified me.” Realizing that this would be an impediment, he began taking public presenting classes.

Now, if you look at any of his interviews, you would never detect his shyness.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, is an introvert

mark Zuckerberg introvert

Interestingly, at first the purpose of Facebook was to create a connection between students from different universities in the United States (being shy and introverted, he was not good at relationships in person).

At just 23 years old, he became the youngest billionaire according to Forbes.

Various articles have described him as an INTJ. Some of his habits include maintaining a strict routine and writing down his ideas in a notebook that he refers to as “the Book of change”. What I admire the most about him is that he doesn’t care about “what others will say”, so as not to waste his time in distractions, he buys basic clothes so that in his day to day he always dresses the same.

Introverted Politicians

Politics is one of the areas that seems to be reserved for extroverts. You have to like being around people, being in the media, thinking and responding quickly, and having the charisma of Hollywood actors. Although at first all of the above are characteristics linked to extroverts, it does not mean that introverts and more reserved personalities cannot make a name for themselves in the world of politics.

In this list we will see some.

Barak Obama

Obama was the president of the United States from 2009 to 2017.

He is characterized by thinking before speaking and reflecting on questions, a trait indicative of introversion. Like all politicians, he has great charisma and knows how to socialize with people of all kinds.

Even so, he has confessed several times that during his legislature, starting at 6:30 p.m., he made sure he had time to reflect alone, organize himself, and be able to spend time with his family.

Mariano Rajoy, former Spanish President

The president of Spain from 2011 to 2018 describes himself as a perfectionist, introverted and very prudent. Before dedicating himself to politics, he worked as a land registrar having studied law.

Leaving political preferences aside, we must highlight his success in becoming president of Spain for two consecutive years. But, in addition, he is an example that you don’t have to be the typical extroverted leader to be elected president. As Sonia El Hakim points out,

«Rajoy has shown us all these years that we can cope with our biological predispositions, assuming a job that theoretically performs better for an extrovert, because it does not involve the over-effort that Rajoy has had to do»

Famous singers that are introvert

Beyonce, introvert and once shy

If you have ever seen Beyoncé in concert you would never describe her as introverted and shy. Watching her sing and dance on stage is almost mesmerizing even if you’re not a fan of her music. However, in various interviews the singer and actress has revealed that she has actually always been very shy and introverted: “I have learned not to be shy but my personality is still very introverted.”

That is why some describe her as an extroverted-introvert, the first, on stage and shows and the second, in her private life.

I think that perhaps this is the key: getting to know each other enough to know that we are introverts and that we have different needs, but, at the same time, knowing how to show our most energetic and social side when the situation requires it.

Christine Aguilera

Despite her provocative image, her fame, and her popular music, Christina Aguilera confesses to being the most introverted. At the same time, this introversion has helped her to be very calculating with her musical career, constant and detailed.

Various sources describe her as a calm person and that she really knows how to listen to others.

Lana del Rey

Fame made the singer realize even more of her introversion. After tours and interviews, she has confessed her deep need to be alone or surrounded by familiar people with whom it is possible to replenish her energy.

Ed Sheeran

Although he has not expressly said so in any interview, many fans of the singer believe that Ed e is an introvert.

They are basing this of his songs and how he expresses himself in his interviews. It is true that through art we can learn a lot about a person’s personality, do you think he is an introvert?

Lady Gaga

If we know anything about Lady Gaga, it is that she likes to attract attention with her music and style. But when analyzing artists it is important to differentiate between her “art” and her personality.

“People think I’m very confident, but I’m actually quite shy and insecure. I don’t want to talk to anyone at big celebrity functions because I don’t know anyone and I’m shy and uncomfortable.

Introverted actors and actresses

At first, acting is not a profession that is usually associated with introverts, however, once you see this list of introverted actors, you will realize that it is a myth. Hollywood is plagued with introverts like you 🙂

Johnny Deep

Johnny Deep is an American actor who gained international fame after starring in The Pirates of the Caribbean with his character as Jack Sparrow.

If you read Johnny Deep’s biography you will see how complex and interesting his life is. In various interviews he has talked about how he always felt like he didn’t fit in during his childhood. His classmates teased him for his peculiar voice and his introverted behavior and shyness.

However, this shyness and introversion disappear when he plays a character, in fact, Deep has stated that he feels more comfortable when he doesn’t have to be himself.

In 2003 and 2009 People magazine named him the sexiest man on the planet. In an interview with Oprah he made it clear that the title seemed surreal to him and that he did not like to see his image on magazine covers.

«I don’t know, I think I’m still shy and like he doesn’t fit in. It is probably due to all the circumstances of my childhood (…) There is a part of me that would like to be unknown and not attract attention wherever I go»

Kristen Stewart, the misunderstood introvert?

Many know her for her main role in the Twilight saga in which she played Bella.
“There are people who misunderstand me. They see that I am quiet and not always wasting energy and they take it as if I were cold, unfriendly and asocial… that is one of the first impressions people who don’t know me get. On the Internet people think that I never smile, when I do»

I think all of us introverts identify with the previous phrase by Kristen Stewart. If we are ourselves, people begin to ask us if we are in a bad mood or tired and to avoid this we end up camouflaging ourselves in an extrovert role.

What I like about Kristen Stewart is that despite being an acclaimed Hollywood actress, she doesn’t put on a mask of a super-energetic extrovert in public appearances but remains herself, although sometimes people misunderstand that.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson has stated on several occasions that she is introverted and shy by nature. She doesn’t like parties or events with too many new faces and she finds it difficult to start conversations, especially if they are trivial.

«The truth is that I am shy, strange and introverted. At a party (…) there is too much stimulation for me, that is why I end up in the bathroom, I need to rest and it gives me anxiety»

Introverted Activists

Mahatma Gandhi

He used to be very shy and avoided all company. “My books and my lessons were my only companions. Being at school and running back home as soon as school closed: that was my daily habit. I literally ran back, because I couldn’t bear to talk to anyone. I was even afraid that someone would make fun of me.”

Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement and the man considered by many Indians to be the father of the country, was shy and introverted.

Even so, they describe him as a man constantly surrounded by people. He led hundreds of thousands of his supporters in marches across the country, delivered countless speeches, lived in a communal Ashram among his students and supporters.

He is therefore an ideal example of how introverts can also be great leaders, how we are capable of devising change strategies for an entire country and having an impact on thousands of people.

Rosa Parks

She described herself as reserved, shy, and calm. In fact, she titled her biography “Quiet Strength.”

She is credited with refusing to give up her bus seat which by law, she was required to give up if there was a white person demanding it. At a time when public services were segregated by race, this gesture required a lot of courage on her part, also triggering the famous black Montgomery bus boycott.

In the book “Quiet” by Susan Cain, the following is said of Rosa Parks:

“I always envisioned Rosa Parks as a woman with a hot temper, someone who wouldn’t hesitate to throw a face at anyone. But when she died in 2005, everyone described her as a sweet, quiet, petite woman. They said that she was timid but with the courage of a lion. They used phrases like radical humility and a strong calm»

Introverted scientists

What would the world be without the introvert Albert Einstein?

One of the most recognized and revered physicists of all time, Einstein is also known for saying that “the monotony and solitude of the quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”

Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 and is remembered today for his greatest discovery: the theory of relativity.

Introverted Sport celebrities

Michael Jordan

He is considered by basketball experts as the best player in the history of this sport.

Various sources define him as an ISTP (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving) type introvert. This personality type is characterized by wanting to show his strength and hide his weaknesses, make decisions based on logic instead of reason, control the situation and feel that they have an impact on the world.

Famous influencers that are introverted

Kendal Jenner

“Being an introvert is wanting to be invited but not wanting to go. Feeling lonely at home but not wanting anyone around you unless you really like them. And even if you like them, you want them gone soon.”

I think there is no better quote that describes what it feels like to be an introvert than the one above. The actor behind Harry Potter considers himself an introvert, a personality trait that is often camouflaged among Hollywood superstars.

If we watch some of his interviews we can see that he is a very introspective, empathetic person who likes to examine things from different points of view.

Despite her rise to fame from the age of 11, Danielle Radcliffe does not like to be the center of attention, especially in her private life, «I started drinking a lot when I went out to parties to stop eating my head over the people who watched me wherever we went.”

Introverted Writers

JK Rowling

I wanted to include her because she is the classic example of a successful introverted woman. Perhaps the section on introverted writers is not so striking, since writing is in itself an activity that is associated with thoughtful and imaginative people such as introverts.

As JK Rowling confesses:

»She had been writing since she was 6 years old, but never before had she been so excited about an idea. I was on the train from Manchester to London and my pen stopped painting. She was too shy to borrow one.”

This is just the beginning of this list, I will be adding more people weekly!

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