How to stop being shy step by step

Do you get nervous every time you have to speak in public? Do you reject plans for fear of not knowing what to say? Do you dream of overcoming shyness? Well welcome to the shy club ✌. To those who do not raise their hand in class despite knowing the correct answer. In this post we will see some of the solutions proposed by readers of Quora. I have selected the ones that seemed most curious to me. Click here to see the original post >>What activity can I do to overcome…


Research shows HSPs react worse to critics

No one likes to hear critics or negative comments about our actions. We feel judged and scrutinized and it's easy to fall into the "you're not valued enough" mentality. And the worst thing is that criticism is everywhere, at work, in your social circle, even on the networks. We cannot escape it, nor should we. There are two types of criticism: A) Criticisms that are intended to make us better. They are self-constructive and are intended to make you a better person. Normally the sandwich technique is used (positive comment, criticism and…


Open offices: a hell for introverts and HSPs?

It was the third that Tom got up to go to the bathroom, what the hell was this man drinking? In front of me, my other coworker, who seemed to be typing at a thousand miles per hour... or was I typing too slowly? In the background, but still too close, my boss was talking with the community manager about the trip they would take on the next vacation while laughing out loud. And of course, the fitness girl in the office sipping every last drop of her fruit smoothie. I got…


How to find a job with social anxiety

You realize that you have reached adulthood when not having a job is unacceptable. Even if you live with your parents, you're supposed to contribute financially with the bills, and that means finding a job. People with social anxiety are often accused of being lazy, having no specific goals, and constantly changing jobs. This can happen because we are running away from our own nightmare: social anxiety. I got used to having a few drinks before doing an interview, it relaxed me and I was able to turn down the voice in…


Best jobs and careers for Highly Sensitive People

Do you feel that your work steals all of your energy? when you get home all you want is peace and quiet. Silence. You need your mind stop for a while. Is that normal? For a highly sensitive person yes. At least if you work in a work environment with too much sensory input, from customers walking in, the phone ringing, the radio in the background, co-workers talking loud. All of this can be overwhelming and emotionally draining for a person of a sensitive nature. When you dread going to work every…


Why don’t introverts emerge as leaders?

It's no surprise that introverts can make great leaders. There are quite a few references about great introverted leaders from politicians like Barack Obama, film directors, human rights activists or even influencers (as we collect in our list of famous introverts). But then why don't we see job offers where introverted executives are in demand? This may be because the term introversion is tainted by words like shy, anxious, or stressed about change. While you can be introverted and shy, there are also extroverts and shy. Introversion and extroversion are personality traits…


I went drunk to an interview because of my social anxiety

I am not only an introvert, I'm a highly sensitive person and I have social anxiety. I don't like to speak in public. I don't want all eyes on me. When it gets really bad I forget how to breath. I don't know how to conjugate verbs and I get my tongue twisted. In other words… I make a fool of myself But the thing is, it doesn't always happen. There are times when I do feel comfortable: I can talk non-stop, express my opinions meaningfully and, above all, conjugate verbs 😅……


The reason why highly sensitive people are essential at work

I remember the frustration looking at job offers and feeling like I would never fit. Employers are looking for bubbly, energetic, social people... but what about seriousness? the ability to concentrate on a single task? of empathy? solidarity? They are often traits that are in needed but are overlooked. It's true that some common workplace situations that can be moderately stressful for others, such as speaking in meetings or receiving feedback, can quickly overstimulate an HSP. This is because as HSPs we process information in a deeper and more reflective way. Therefore,…


Should you hide your introversion in a job interview?

The term introversion does not seem to be welcomed in the professional world. It seems that being an extrovert is a synonym of success and that if you are an introvert you are a geek and you will not know how to hold conversations with co-workers and clients. Moreover, the way in which candidates are interviewed is not designed for introverts. As Barry Deutsch mentions, introverts are generally bad at making a good first impression. We need to "warm up" and deepen the conversation to really feel comfortable. It is therefore difficult…


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