Compatibility between INFJ and ENTP in love

I have received several questions about the compatibility between INFJ and ENTP people. Are these two MBTI personalities compatible? We will see what are the complications that could occur on this type of relationship and what are the strengths. Don't forget to leave your experience with this personality combination in the comments ! ENTPs and INFJs have a medium level of emotional distance and flow in a relationship. Upon meeting, the two discover that they are opposed to each other in fundamental aspects, such as their way of seeing and dealing with…


How to stop being shy step by step

Do you get nervous every time you have to speak in public? Do you reject plans for fear of not knowing what to say? Do you dream of overcoming shyness? Well welcome to the shy club ✌. To those who do not raise their hand in class despite knowing the correct answer. In this post we will see some of the solutions proposed by readers of Quora. I have selected the ones that seemed most curious to me. Click here to see the original post >>What activity can I do to overcome…


How to make friends as a shy introvert

Do you find it hard to make friends? or maybe you have same called friends but is difficult to make a deeper connection. In this post I would like to start by analyzing some of the mindsets that prevent us from making quality friendships as introverts. We will also see the best tricks to ensure that we are not self-sabotaging with our body language, as well as the best websites to find friends. I am writing this post from my own experience. I always felt like I didn't fit in with my…


Introversion and feeling lonely

Introverts need to be alone, not being lonely. Loneliness is very beautiful… when you have someone to tell it to. Gustavo Adolfo Becquer There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. While the first is a fact and something objective, the second is a state that lasts over time and depends more on each person. We are all alone at some point in our days, but that does not mean that we feel lonely. Loneliness is subjective. For example, if you are a person who is very dependent on…


Why you may seem unapproachable as INFJ

Are you an INFJ? Do you know how intimidating you can seem to be? Although you may not be aware of it in your day-to-day life, your personality gives you an air of mystery and intrigue. For me it's something I've always heard throughout my life as an INFJ. There are several characteristics that can contribute to this, like the fact that we are more of a listener than a talker, that you remember small details that others overlook or your mysterious look. In today's post we will see some characteristics that…


Is it bad to be an ambivert?

All the posts I've read about ambiversion stress the positive side of this personality type. As if they just take the positive of being an introvert and the best of being an extrovert and put it into one person. However, this is not always the case, and if you are an ambivert, you can actually experience a lot of confusion and inconsistency in your personality. It is important to understand what is going on inside of you so in order to get the most out of your personality. What is ambivert personality?…


The undervalued power of being alone

What if I told you that knowing how to be alone is a superpower? Perhaps you would find it funny, especially if you are an introverted person like me. Maybe is because being introverted is quite undervalued in the society in which we live, to the point where those of us who do enjoy being alone come to feel "ashamed" of this. However, making time to spend by yourself every day is something we should all start doing. All of humanity's problems come from man's inability to sit quietly in a room…


Reasons why introverts are so attractive 😻

Most of the television shows that I watched when I was growing up had as their protagonist a character with charisma, extroverted and with always something to say. But what about the most reserved people? the quiet ones of the classroom? For this type of personality a very specific role is assigned: the bullied, the nerd, or even... the killer. Outside of the screen, can introverts be attractive? The answer is yes. We have many qualities that can be attractive to other personalities, to introverts like ourselves or extroverts. In this post…


How to study a degree with social anxiety.

Studying should not be a handicap for a person with social anxiety, until you realize that part of your grade will be measured by oral presentations, team projects and participating in class. A nightmare! While any person may feel stress or anxiety at specific times of the day, a person with social anxiety will have a persistent and irrational fear of socializing in general. Just the thought of participating in an event can trigger you, you feel very uncomfortable and find it hard to relax and have a constant fear of being…


Introvert and loneliness, do you feel alone?

Introverts need to be alone, not feel lonely. Loneliness is very beautiful… when you have someone to tell it to.Gustavo Adolfo Becquer Difference in terms: being alone vs loneliness There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. While the former is a fact and somewhat objective, the latter is a state that lasts over time and depends more on each person. We are all alone at some point in our days, but that does not mean that we are lonely. Loneliness is subjective. For example, if you are a…


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